Bernadette Kelly
Hi, I'm Bernadette and I'm a User Experience Designer in New York City. Below you'll learn a little about me and my projects.

About Me

UX Projects

Additional Projects

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EventPass: An upcoming mobile application that gets people exploring their city by providing a more affordable way to find and attend events. For one small monthly subscription fee, they provide free access for all kinds of events/activities/services in New York City.

Goal: Create an intuitive and efficient experience for existing attendee users to research, browse, select and register for events.

Timeline: 8 weeks

Role: As a team of 4, we rotated as project manager, and individually contributed to UX research and UX/UI design.

Project Background: This project was completed as part of Beginex, a User Experience program that partners with social impact clients.

Research and Ideation

Competitive Analysis

We conducted competitive analysis to better understand the landscape of other directly related event apps and two indirect subscriptions apps to learn what features they offer in the search/registration process. We found openings in two areas where EventPass could stand out - map view browse and event ratings.

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User Interviews

Before beginning our user interviews, we developed our questions based on four main questions we needed to know:

Affinity Mapping

To synthesize our data we arranged post-its to find common themes.
Key Takeaways:

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With these themes in mind, we sat down with the client to prioritize our next steps. Given that quality came up a lot in our interviews, we wanted users to be able to gauge it through star ratings that past attendees gave the organizers, as well as the option to filter by perks, such as free food. While we wanted to incorporate synchronization with social media platforms into the design, the client decided it was not necessary for the MVP.

Testing and Iterations

User Flow

We created our own user flows and then combined our ideas to create one that included all possible routes for the user to take and chose a happy path to use for tests.

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Low-fi Wireframes

We made dozens of sketches separately and combined our best features for each screen that we would use for our medium fidelity prototype.

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Medium Fidelity Prototype

We tested our prototype in two phases with the same main path. All users were asked to find an event by searching or filtering, RSVP for the event, add a friend, and share the event.

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After our initial tests, we organized our data by issue, severity, and potential solutions in a spreadsheet.
Key Takeaways:

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Final Results

Before creating our high fidelity prototype, we made style tile options for our client, who preferred to keep the look light and fun. The architecture of our prototype remained the same after phase two of our testing, but we spoke with the client to discuss any aspects that were missing. For this prototype, he asked us to include screens representing event change notifications, and to save our other ideas for “next steps” to use later.

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Next Steps

We gathered ideas that we could not use in the initial phase, but are important to note because they include both what users are interested in, as well as what the client wishes to eventually incorporate.

Following our final presentation, our client’s feedback was positive and he was excited to begin working with his development team on implementing our designs. Our team was pleased to work on this challenge for EventPass the last two months and we look forward to tracking its continuing progress.

View Our Prototype